A resourcing hike among our trails
The Station O’Kataventures also offers amazing hikes. Access to the trails of the Montagnes-Vertes Nature Reserve and the Ruiter Valley Land Trust allows you to take a walk through this exceptional natural environment where the fauna and plant biodiversity will surprise you. You can also climb Mount Owl’s Head and enjoy a spectacular view of Lake Memphremagog and its surroundings. Note that the trails are not directly accessible from the campsite.
Free access to customers camping at the Camping Nature Plein Air or kayaking at the Station O’Kataventures.
Réserve naturelle des Montagnes-Vertes
The Green Mountains Nature Reserve is the largest protected area on privately owned land east of Saskatchewan. It is an integral part of the majestic Appalachian Mountains, which stretch over 2,400 kilometres from Gaspésie to the state of Alabama, located in Southern United States.

Fiducie foncière de la Vallée Ruiter
The Ruiter Valley, nestled in an unspoiled environment, constitutes one of the last unfragmented areas in Southeastern Quebec. The Ruiter Valley land trust offers a wonderful network of marked trails for eco-friendly activities such as hiking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.
Northern Forest Canoe (NFCT)
The Northern Forest Canoe Trail (NFCT) connects the waterways of New York, Vermont, Quebec, New Hampshire and Maine. NFCT offers maps, books, and web-based tools to help you pick your paddling trail out of the 740-mile route that traces the fascinating story of Native Americans and European settlers.